SOS om globala utbildningsföretag
The One and Only Bett show:
Bett show annonserar sig själv som ”the worlds leading learning technology event”. Om detta event kan man läsa i dagens artikel av Catarina Player-Koro och Lena Tyrén. På Betts hemsida annonserar 688 företag och organisationer alltifrån 10 Monkeys – ett finskt matematikprogram som skyltar med de finska resultaten i PISA-mätningarna – till animationsprogrammet Zu3D. På samma sida görs det reklam för 1 592 produkter av typen 2Do It Yourself: ”Children engage with pre-made games and activities on a daily basis; now with 2Do It Yourself, they can create their own and share them with anyone, anywhere.”
Till annonsörerna hör också världens största utbildningsföretag, Pearson, som vi skrivit om tidigare i SOS. Så här presenterar sig företaget:
Helping people make progress in their lives through learning wherever they are in the world’ Pearson is the world’s leading education company. Whether it’s in the classroom, in the workplace or at home, Pearson provides the tools for teachers, educators, learners and parents to make the most out of learning. Our content, assessment, training and information systems are designed to make learning more enjoyable – as well as more effective.
Technology underpins everything we do, from the latest resources for personalised learning to data analysis tools to measure progress and aid teaching. By putting technology at the heart of learning, we aim to support, motivate and inspire every educator and every learner.
Pearson is a global thought leader in education. We invest in research around pedagogy, technology, innovation and system change. Our starting point is always the learner, and our mission as a company is to help the learners make progress in their lives through learning. We see technology as a key driver in personalising learning and in supporting learner progress in the 21st century. We’re also committed to measuring the efficacy of our products and services and we want to be judged by the measurable impact they make on learning outcomes.”
Och här hemma sitter vi och gruffar om betyg i sexan eller femman.
Jag var inne på ett liknande spår i min Origo-inledare i septembernumret.
Det finns en del info där som inte kommer fram i Thavenius text som länkas från artikeln ovan.
Origo-texten var begränsad till 5000 tecken och referenser fick inte plats, men för den intresserade så kommer här fyra intressanta länkar om samarbetet Pearson-OECD.